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University partners with Red Cross to save lives

Fire and Emergency Response Administration students and faculty help Sound the Alarm on fire safety.

By Siet Milne-Wright

May 2, 2019

Sounds the Alarm Save a Life with graphic of smoke alarmMetropolitan State University of Denver’s Fire and Emergency Response Administration program is partnering with the American Red Cross on the Sound the Alarm campaign. The operation will provide more than 100 at-risk communities, including those within metro Denver, with free lifesaving smoke alarms.

“Since all FERA courses are also service-learning classes, the Sound the Alarm events allow our students to literally put their hands and feet to work in the communities they someday hope to serve,” said Kevin Hammons, lecturer, FERA, and former deputy chief and fire marshal for the Aurora Fire Department. “We go into underprivileged neighborhoods and offer fire-safety services citizens might otherwise never receive.”

Fires are the most common home disaster, and fires claim an average of seven lives every day in the U.S. However, Sound the Alarm has had a continuous positive impact in the communities served:

  • Over 550 lives saved. 
  • Over 1.6 million smoke alarms installed. 
  • Over 670,000 households made safer.

Thousands of volunteers are needed across the country from now through May 12 to help install more than 100,000 alarms in our community, and the Red Cross and FERA are asking Roadrunners and community members to pitch in. For volunteer opportunitiesonline training or more information, visit the links.

Just one day of your life can change someone else’s life forever. Volunteer today. 



8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.


May 11

9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Topics: Events

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