Early Bird
Step inside the Learning Nook
A new series from MSU Denver’s professional-development team helps employees build a strong foundation from which to grow.
By Rebecca Reid and Danielle Farrell
April 9, 2019
Welcome to the Learning Nook. This new, regular series from Learning and Development expands on the L&D Newsletter to provide resources and information to cultivate a human-centered workplace that allows every employee to live their purpose, while also contributing to student success and the Metropolitan State University of Denver mission.
The L&D Team consists of Manager Danielle Farrell, Specialist Rebecca Reid, HR Generalist Elizabeth Wellington and student employees LeChaea DuHart, Sydney Glavin and Armando Jacquez. Our philosophy is to be intentional as we build developmental programs – starting with the basic need for a strong foundation from which to grow. Any learning experience that increases an employee’s capacity to think critically, creatively and innovatively elevates University performance. We take a holistic, collaborative approach to engage all employees, encourage reflection, increase self-awareness, inspire positive interactions and ultimately lead to employees’ personal and professional growth.
Look for new editions of the Learning Nook in the Early Bird every three weeks, and in the meantime, here are some great resources to get you started.
Five things you can learn about this month:
Your colleagues
The Roadrunners Lunch Buddies Program fosters relationships and builds community at MSU Denver by pairing employees with colleagues from other departments to engage in personal or professional topics of their choice.
Coaching and employee performance
Human Resources is partnering with the Employers Council to present the skills needed to be an impactful coach and a step-by-step guide for supervisors and staff to help facilitate the coaching and performance-review processes.
Strategies for blending families and co-parenting
The Colorado State Employees Assistance Program will present a webinar providing suggestions and strategies based on best practices and clinical observations and insights.
Open Educational Resources
Check out Open Auraria, a campuswide gathering for faculty and staff for open-educational-resources learning, ideas and celebration.
Identifying and referring students at risk
Gatekeeper Training helps faculty and staff recognize and identify concerning student behaviors and actions. It also gives employees the resources to refer students to University agencies for appropriate assistance.
For more highlights of upcoming learning opportunities, the L&D Newsletter is delivered to your inbox every other Wednesday (next delivery: April 17) and posted on the L&D Opportunities webpage. Additional opportunities can be found on the L&D calendar. Email profdev@msudenver.edu for more information.
Topics: Events
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