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Get your fresh food here

Weekly subscription boxes deliver affordable, healthy food to the Tivoli for regular pickup.

By Cory Phare

April 8, 2019

Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group logoHow would you like to have fresh fruits and vegetables delivered right here on campus?

Thanks to the partnership between Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group and the GrowHaus, you can.

“We wanted to help provide affordable healthy food to the local community,” said Kayla Bates, a human-nutrition and dietetics senior involved in the project.

Anyone can sign up for a subscription box here; just note the MSU Denver location. Rates start at $15 with available upgrades and add-ons of other items including eggs and bread. Pickups take place Mondays from 2-5 p.m. outside the Tivoli Turnhalle. Options are customizable but not known until the day before.

“You get more comfortable using food you haven’t tried yet; it also diversifies the healthy food and nutrients you are putting in your body,” Bates said. “It’s a pretty awesome concept.”

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