Early Bird
Student Technology Fee on the ballot
Learn about the proposed assessment on this year’s student ballot.
By Corey Oxenbury
April 4, 2019
Today’s student population has largely come of age as “digital natives,” immersed in a time when information is available at the touch of a button or voice command and consumer technology is constantly evolving, with devices getting smaller, lighter and faster at predictable intervals. By contrast, much of the technology that students encounter when visiting the Metropolitan State University of Denver campus feels outdated at best, and inoperable at worst. Improvements to the technology in our classrooms and learning spaces have historically been funded by one-off requests, but a sustainable and reliable funding model is necessary to ensure that these spaces receive consistent improvements and upgrades.
To address this issue, Information Technology Services performed an analysis of funding strategies used by higher-education technology departments across the country. The results of that research led ITS to propose a Student Technology Fee at MSU Denver. The Student Fee Review Board recently approved this proposal, and the STF will be included on the 2019 Student Government Assembly ballot.
Passage of the Student Technology Fee will introduce a reliable funding model to support, maintain and enhance technology in classrooms and laboratory spaces. This funding will support improvements for wireless-network performance, upgraded computers and modernized audio-visual equipment. Passage of the fee will also allow the expansion of online technology offerings, help fund ongoing student technology services and permit exploration of innovative technology platforms.
For more information on the STF, including the full proposal document, please visit msudenver.edu/techfee.
Election week is next week, Monday through April 12. Please check the SGA website for times and locations, and please encourage students to vote!