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Faculty Citings

An overview of recent MSU Denver faculty publications and presentations.

By Lindsey Coulter

March 20, 2019

Student reading a book in the libraryMetropolitan State University of Denver faculty members publish research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and share their knowledge at conferences across the globe.

Here’s an overview of their recent work:

Whitney Traylor, Ph.D., professor, Management


Traylor provided commentary for a 9News video segment celebrating the life and work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in January in honor of MLK Day. The segment focused on King’s campaign against war, poverty and injustice, drawing parallels to struggles still experienced in many communities today and encouraging reflection and action.


Todd P. Upton, Ph.D., affiliate, History


In Memoriam: Boyd H. Hill Jr."

Co-authored with Ginger Smoak, Ph.D., University of Utah.

Published in Quidditas, the online journal for the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volume 39, 2018.


Siva priya Santhanam, Ph.D., assistant professor, Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences


Speech-Language Pathologists’ Use of Language Interpreters: A Nationwide Survey Study

Published in Communication Disorders Quarterly, August 2018 issue.


Serving Culturally and Linguistically Different Clients: Changing trends in Speech-language pathologists’ Self-efficacy and Implications for Stakeholders

Published in Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, volume 3, issue 3, December 2018. 


Steve Krizman, assistant professor, Journalism and Technical Communication


“Corporate Public Relations,” published in “Public Relations in Practice,” Oxford University Press, compiled by Kate Kurtin, Ph.D., California State University Los Angeles.


Sean Petranovich, affiliate faculty, Philosophy
Conference presentation

“Husserlian Phenomenology, Social Ontology and Political Obligations” presented at the 57th Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.


Cheryl Sanders, Ph.D., professor, Psychology


Breakfast Skipping, Psychological Distress and Involvement in Bullying: Is There a Connection?”

Published in International Journal of Bullying Prevention. 


Sara Jackson Shumate, Ph.D., lecturer, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences


Contradictions of Populism and Resource Extraction: Examining the Intersection of Resource Nationalism and Accumulation by Dispossession in Mongolia

Published in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, November 2018.


Michael J. McNeal, Ph.D. affiliate, Political Science

Paper and presentation

“‘The Laughing Storm’ of Nietzsche’s Free Spirits: Irrepressible Mirth Toward Philosophers of the Future”

Presented at the 90th annual conference of the Southern Political Science Association, January 2019 Austin, Texas. 


“The Quandary of Identity in our Age of Neoliberal Globalization and the Prospective Appearance of Free Spirits”

Accepted for publication in an edited volume tentatively titled “Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference,” expected in late 2020.


Douglas Mpondi, Ph.D., associate professor and chair, Africana Studies

Book review

Zimbabwe’s Predatory State: Party, Military and Business

Published in the Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, February 2019.

Paper and presentation

“New Dispensation versus Generational Consensus: A critical reflection of the first post-Mugabe elections in Zimbabwe” 

Presented at the 43rd Annual National Conference for Black Studies, New Orleans, March 2019.


“‘Zimbabwe will never be a colony again’: Rethinking the politics of land, empowerment, gender, patronage and belonging in Zimbabwe

Published in Security, Conflicts, Conflict Resolution Mechanisms and Peace-building in Africa,” Pan African University Press, edited by Busani Mpofu & Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni (2018).


Maureen Flynn, Ph.D., assistant professor, Psychology


“Symptoms of social anxiety and depression: Acceptance of socially anxious thoughts and feelings as a moderator”

Co-authored with Bordieri, M.J., and Berkout, O.V.

Published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, volume 11, 2019.


A review of anger and aggression from an ACT perspective

Co-authored with Berkout, O.V., and Tinsley, D.

Published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, volume 11, 2019.


Examining sexual racism and body dissatisfaction among men of color who have sex with men: The moderating role of body image inflexibility

Co-authored with Bhambhani, Y., Kellum, K.K., and Wilson, K.G., in Body Image, volume 28, 2019.


Andrew J. Bonham Ph.D., associate professor and chair, Chemistry


A paucity of knowledge regarding nontuberculous mycobacterial lipids compared to the tubercle bacillus

Published in “Tuberculosis,” volume 115, March 2019.

Co-authored with lead author Tru (Alex) Tran, spring 2017 CHE 4310 Biochemistry I student.


Michele Clark, affiliate, Management


Invited to participate in research colloquium the Law and Ethics of Big Data conference, Lexington, Va., April 24-25, 2019. 


Shinyong (Shawn) Jung, Ph.D., assistant professor, School of Hospitality, Events and Tourism


“Airbnb: Disruptive Innovation-Based Business”

Co-authored with Yoon, S., and Erdem, M. To appear in Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases, volume 3, number 8, 2019.


Tourism experiences during a convention: a case study from South Korea

Co-authored with Beardsley, M., Kim, H.L., and Kim Y.S.

Published in Tourism Analysis, volume 24, number 1, 2019.


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