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University policy updates

Council members vote on shared-governance policy, seek feedback on political activity and lobbying.

By Megan Jones

March 19, 2019

Roadrunners at Day at the Capital 2019The University Policy Advisory Council voted at its meeting Thursday to recommend revisions to the University’s shared-governance statement to President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., and the Board of Trustees. The changes will be presented to University leadership at an upcoming President’s Cabinet meeting.

The Council is continuing its comprehensive review of the Board of Trustees policy manual. A subgroup of the council is reviewing research and recommendations to revise the Board policy on evaluation of the University president to better reflect Metropolitan State University of Denver’s commitment to inclusive governance and leadership.

Council members also discussed several proposed presidential policies, including policies related to employee compensation for additional work beyond the scope of regular job duties; animals on University property; and political activity and lobbying by employees and student employees.

A draft of the Political Activity and Lobbying Policy is available for review by the University community through April 10. Employees and students can submit feedback by visiting the policy website and clicking the “Comment on a Policy” button on the homepage.

The council meets next on April 11 from 12:30-2 p.m. in JSSB 440A and is open to all employees. If you have questions on Universitywide policies or MSU Denver’s policy-development process, please contact Policy Administrator Megan Jones at

Topics: Policy Update

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