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MSU Denver faculty in the media

Members share their expertise with the community.

By Tim Carroll

March 11, 2019

Kristina KesselringThe MSU Denver faculty brain trust reaches almost every corner of the academic spectrum, and we are always proud to see Roadrunners sharing their knowledge. Each month, the Early Bird highlights a few faculty members who have served as subject-matter experts on timely news topics – providing dynamic perspectives on critical issues.

Here’s a sampling from February:

Kishore Kulkarni, professor of economics, spoke to La Voz on Feb. 27 about the changes in the national deficit and how it continues to grow.

Alex Padilla, associate professor of economics, and Vincent Piturro, associate professor of English and film studies, interviewed with Denver7 on Feb. 24 about the status of the film industry in Colorado and potential financial incentives.

Kristina Kesselring, lecturer of accounting, spoke with Fox31 on Feb. 21 about the changes taxpayers should anticapte when filing their 2018 taxes.

Kevin Kuhlmann, associate chair and professor of aviation and aerospace science, interviewed with Newsday on Feb. 17 about a Frontier Airlines flight that declared an emergency as a result of a leaking air-conditioning unit.

Darrin Duber-Smith, senior lecturer of marketing, interviewed with 710KNUS – “The Steffan Tubbs Show” on Feb. 4 about the winning and losing ads from the 2019 Super Bowl. (Starts at 4:48).

For a full list of faculty featured as experts in the media, visit MSU Denver in the News.

Topics: Academics

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