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Hello, my name is … Christine Márquez-Hudson

The new VP of University Advancement is writing a fresh MSU Denver development playbook.

By Lindsey Coulter

January 28, 2019

Christine Marquez Hudson brainstorming with colleaguesWhen Christine Márquez-Hudson joined Metropolitan State University of Denver in November as vice president of University Advancement, she hit the ground running. Márquez-Hudson led the University Advancement team in a thorough inventory of the University’s development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats — and welcomed University leaders into the conversation. These efforts have netted an 18-month, tailor-made action plan that will tackle big goals and position MSU Denver for sustainable success.

Márquez-Hudson, who also heads the MSU Denver Foundation, shared what attracted her to the University, her plans and how she’s sharing her many talents.

What excited you about becoming a Roadrunner?

The mission, definitely. I’ve spent my entire career advancing education and economic opportunities for high-potential individuals. That is what MSU Denver is all about. The opportunity to nurture and support that mission is tremendously exciting. It gives me the sense of mission and purpose that I thrive on.

What goals are you currently tackling?

University Advancement’s goal is to be an outstanding, trustworthy and credible partner with the other parts of the University. We want to support the financial success of this organization, and we can’t do that in isolation. It’s truly a dynamic partnership where we bring development expertise, but the passion and ideas of our students, faculty and staff are essential in guiding where we apply effort and energy.

One thing I really want to do is develop what I’m calling the Advancement Playbook. Step one in that playbook is getting everyone on the same page about the University’s advancement priorities and menu of opportunities, so when we have a donor with multiple interest areas we can present them with different ways to reach their impact that align with what the University has told us it needs. The playbook we create together is going to be a really helpful place to focus that collaboration.

Christine Marquez Hudson brainstorming with colleaguesWhy do you feel particularly connected to and invested in our students?

MSU Denver students are Colorado — and are the future of our state. Personally, I grew up in Grand Junction, and my family goes back nine generations here in Colorado. Education was always very important. For my sister and me, it wasn’t whether or not we were going to college; it was where we were going to college. I’ve grown to appreciate what a difference that family value and expectation creates. Even if you’re not a wealthy family, that expectation that you’re going to college makes it more possible.

What keeps you busy outside of work?

I have three kids and a wonderful husband who keep me quite busy. We love to ski, hike and explore Colorado. I also love to sing and perform with my husband, who is a professional bass player, and family. My dad was a choir director, my mother sang, and my sister played the trumpet. In fact, Lorenzo Trujillo, who runs MSU Denver’s mariachi band, used to perform with my dad’s mariachi group at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church — and I was in that choir for years. When I joined MSU Denver, Lorenzo invited me to sing with the MSU Denver mariachi group at its May concert.

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