Early Bird
New registration cutoff date for spring semester
In an effort to support student success, the Office of the Registrar adjusts self-add date to Jan. 28.
By Lindsey Coulter
January 17, 2019
The Office of the Registrar recently announced a new deadline for students to self-add to spring courses. Effective this semester, students can enroll in courses via the Student Hub through the self-add deadline, which is calculated as 6 percent of the course duration (as long as the student meets the prerequisites and other registration requirements). The self-add deadline is calculated relative to each part of the term, and for full-term fall and spring courses it will be the sixth day of the course. This semester, that date is Jan. 28 at 11:59 p.m. Please note that some courses end registration earlier than this date.
As opposed to allowing students to join courses through the census date (typically two weeks into the semester), faculty recently proposed narrowing this timeframe to improve faculty and student success. This change is intended to facilitate thoughtful conversation between the student and faculty member to determine whether the student will be successful in the course.
Please review the Registration & Waitlist FAQ for more detailed information. If you have further questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar’s Records & Registration team at regquery@msudenver.edu.