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President Davidson speaks to Joint Budget Committee

Davidson shared MSU Denver success stories and her vision for the future of education in a bid to increase legislative investment.

By Lindsey Coulter

January 17, 2019

Davidson speaking at JBCPresident Janine Davidson, Ph.D., took advantage of her “happy hour” slot in the Jan. 11 meeting of the Colorado Legislature’s Joint Budget Committee to bring both levity and gravity to the afternoon hearing. Davidson began by inviting members to visit the Metropolitan State University of Denver campus and sample student-brewed beers at the Tivoli Tap House, but quickly got to the heart of her mission and message: providing the next generation with a path to the American Dream through higher education investment.

In her statement to the body, Davidson referenced the goals outlined in the Colorado Department of Higher Education Master Plan, which center on promoting the talent pipeline through increasing credential completion, erasing equity gaps, and investing in affordability and innovation. She also reinforced her commitment to increasing faculty and staff compensation.

“If we really want to move the needle on these goals, we need to invest in the things we know will move the needle; we need to fund our focus,” Davidson said. 

Read more of Davidson’s remarks and her vision for how a robust commitment in MSU Denver could change student lives and the face of higher education.

Learn more about state support vs. student cost for Colorado institutions.

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