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Early Bird announces holiday schedule and shares some fun trivia

We’re resting our wings a bit this month, so if you have a must-run story be sure to submit soon.

By Lindsey Coulter

December 4, 2018

Robin in snowy treeIn celebration of the holiday season, the Early Bird is taking a brief hibernation. The Early Bird’s final edition of 2018 will run Dec. 14 with our Friday Rewind, and the first edition of 2019 will hit faculty and staff inboxes Jan. 7. See the Human Resources holiday schedule for general vacation details, and remember MSU Denver will use the governor’s holiday to close Dec. 24.

In the meantime, the Early Bird will be running full steam ahead, so if you have a great article idea, an event to promote or a tip for Kudos or Faculty Citings, please send them our way!

Now for a pop quiz!

Just for fun, do you know the only U.S. bird that has been known to hibernate? Hint: It’s not the roadrunner. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the answer!













Answer: The common poorwill, which lives in California and New Mexico, hibernates in rocky crevices during the winter when its food supply (insects) runs low. The common poorwill can continue to incubate its eggs throughout hibernation.

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