An easy way to build a better MSU Denver
Learn more about joining a Diversity and Inclusion Committee task force.
By Jeremy VanHooser
November 27, 2018
Metropolitan State University of Denver is proud of its designation as a 2018 diversity champion by Insight into Diversity for our unyielding commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout our campus community, academic programs and all levels of the University. The critical component to MSU Denver’s receiving this honor is the ongoing systemic commitment to diversity, illustrated by our Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
The committee has agreed to focus on enhancing the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and staff. Over the fall semester, members gathered information on current recruitment and retention efforts across campus and heard from leaders working on these issues. We then identified short-term and long-term goals leading to the development of three task forces: Diversity in Hiring, Mentorship and Training, and Diversity Strategic Planning.
We encourage all faculty, staff and students to join one or more of these task forces. Visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website to learn more.
Diversity Strategic Plan Task Force
Next meeting: Jan. 16, 10-11 a.m., SSB 440A
The task force will review other diversity strategic plans and the University’s current diversity efforts. Members will develop a diversity strategic plan with five to 10 goals and objectives that the University should address to make advances on diversity, inclusion and equity.
Mentorship and Training Task Force
Next meeting: Jan. 16, 11 a.m.-noon, SSB 440A
The task force will focus on understanding current and potential mentorship and training opportunities and providing recommendations to improve ongoing efforts.
Diversity in Hiring Task Force
Next meeting: Jan. 16, 1-2 p.m., SSB 440A
This task force will focus on understanding current hiring processes, developing recommendations to improve the hiring process and identifying opportunities to diversify the MSU Denver workforce.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at or 303-615-0066.