Preparations continue for University-wide system upgrade
Banner 9 launch schedule finalized; testing and upgrades continue.
By Diane Watkins
October 1, 2018
The internet-native Banner upgrade project is continuing according to schedule. Following a significant Banner 8 production upgrade in September, two smaller updates are required to finalize preparations for the Banner 9 launch. These updates are scheduled for Oct. 4-5 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Oct. 11-12 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Banner will not be available during both maintenance periods.
Banner 9 testing is also well underway, with representatives from multiple campus offices devoting time to validating the new system. The test period ends Oct. 12, and Information Technology Services encourages all affected offices to complete testing and submit their Banner 9 feedback as soon as possible through the Banner 9 Committee SharePoint site.
Following the formal test window, the last phases of the project will begin. The anticipated schedule is as follows:
- Sept. 14-Oct. 12: User Testing
- Oct. 15-Nov. 2: Bug Resolution
- Nov. 5-9: Final User Acceptance Testing
Go-live dates for administrative pages:
- Nov. 12: General, Financial Aid and Job Submission
- Nov. 19: Accounts Receivable
- Nov. 26: Student
- Dec. 4: HR, Payroll, Position Control and Finance
If you have any questions or need to report a service issue within the Banner environment, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 303-352-7548 or https://support.msudenver.edu.