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Social-media roundup

Join the #MSUDenver conversation, and share your Roadrunner pride.

By Lindsey Coulter

September 26, 2018

This Month on Social Media bannerA lot of great conversations about Metropolitan State University of Denver happen online – which is why we regularly highlight the Roadrunner buzz on social media.

Here are some selections from our social-media pages that help show the real impact MSU Denver has on the lives of students, alumni, staff, faculty and the Denver community.

Social media screenshotHuman Services student Kayla Gurnitz shared her enthusiasm and gratitude for MSU Denver and gave us even more faith in the capacity of Roadrunners to be world-changers.


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MSU Denver professionals also helped the Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum take flight (literally and virtually), and you can see the result of this high-flying partnership at the museum in October.


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KOA NewsRadio visited MSU Denver students at the Great American Beer Festival and shined a spotlight on the innovative Beer Industry Programs.


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The Colorado Department of Higher Education promoted MSU Denver’s Inauguration week activities, and its support helped make the Future of Higher Education panel one of the week’s most popular events.


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Business owner and Roadrunner Emiliano Santiago Ortiz credited MSU Denver with giving him a solid platform on which to build his career, and we couldn’t be more proud of his success.


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MSU Denver’s One World One Water Center is a big part of the Denver water-quality conversation and received a nice shout-out from the Denver Department of Public Health & Environment for its contributions to a new Water Quality Report Story Map.


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Finally, Denver Health let the Facebook universe in on MSU Denver’s great programs for burgeoning health professionals.

Thanks for your engagement! Keep an eye out for regular social-media roundups, and let us know what you’re thinking too.

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