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Join the #MSUDenver conversation

People are saying great things about us on social. Here are some of the highlights.

By Sarah Hunsinger

June 20, 2018

This month on Social Media recap banner

A lot of the great conversations at MSU Denver don't just happen on the campus – which is why we wanted to highlight some of what people are saying on social media. 
Here are some selections from our TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn pages.

A great story (and retweeted) by 9News on our Men's Baseball team making a difference in this child's life.

Tweet from 9news about MSU Denver baseball player


Great shout-out to our faculty at MSU Denver for their passion to teach every day.

Tweet about Teacher Appreciation Day


Awesome article in Westword about MSU Denver students literally saving the world from asteroids:

Tweet about MSU Denver from Westword


Retweet from @UChooseCo on Twitter, showcasing that unaffiliated voters can now participate in the upcoming Republican or Democratic Colorado primary elections. Check out the initiative here:

Facebook post about voting


Shout-out for being present and marching with the LGBTQ Resource Center to let our LGBTQ students know they have allies and support on campus. See the Facebook album from our day here:

Tweet about pride fest


Thanks for your engagement! Keep an eye out for regular social-media roundups and let us know what you’re thinking, too.

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