Bike lanes, trains and automobiles
How does MSU Denver get to work? Here’s the scoop from a recent survey, plus a chance to change up your commute.
By Cory Phare
May 29, 2018
Metropolitan State University of Denver employees are more transit-friendly than their urban counterparts, a recent Downtown Denver Partnership analysis finds.
The Downtown Denver 2017 Commuter Survey Report saw an increase to 54 percent in those who take public transit to work, up from 46 percent in 2016. This is compared with 39.3 percent of the general population surveyed who take transit as their main means of commuting.
Roadrunners like our EcoPass option, too – on a scale of one to four, respondents rated their satisfaction with this benefit at 3.7.
Other forms of transportation to MSU Denver measured include driving alone (33 percent), cycling (4 percent), walking (3 percent) and carpooling (3 percent). The survey had 142 employees participating, with an average one-way commute distance of 15 miles.
One opportunity University employees have to change their commuting routine is the Bike to Work Day event June 27.
“Biking to work is a win-win situation,” said Bryan Ferguson, associate director of Outdoor Pursuits and Leadership, housed within Campus Recreation. “You save money on gas and parking, get a free workout, and it’s environmentally friendly.”
A host of the cycling initiative for about a decade, Campus Recreation will provide bike stands for free tuneups, music and refreshments.
“It’s always a fun event to take part in and encourage everyone to participate,” Ferguson said.
Click here to read the DDP report on the University’s commuter preferences; sign up here to join the MSU Denver Bike to Work Day squad June 27.