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Join the #MSUDenver conversation

Roadrunners are saying great things about us on social media. Here are some of the highlights.

By Sarah Hunsinger

May 23, 2018

This month on Social Media recap banner

A lot of the great conversations at MSU Denver don't just happen on the campus – which is why we wanted to highlight some of what people are saying on social media. 
Here are some selections from our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

Here's an awesome CVA mention from Denver's Art District on Santa Fe on Twitter:

mention from CVA Santa Fe Arts District on Twitter about Yes Men visit to MSU Denver

We got some love from one of our Crew in Blue student ambassadors in Admissions...

Social media post from tour guide about being inspired by an aspiring student

... and a Facebook comment from a student who has utilized the Roadrunner Food Bank.

post from thankful Food Pantry recipient

Jim Benemenn from CBS4 shared our students 3D cast story.

Social media post about 3D printed cast.

And Lockheed Martin can't wait for grad Joshua Harris to start work!

Social media post about alumni Joshua Harris' recently obtained position at Lockheed Martin

Colorado Department of Higher Education shared our mother-daughter team of three graduates.

Social media post about a mother and her two daughters graduating from MSU Denver in 2018

While the Denver Post posted a commencement photo album.

Social media post about Denver Post commencement photo album.

Thanks for your engagement! Keep an eye out for regular social-media roundups and let us know what you’re thinking, too.

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