Faculty Citings
An overview of MSU Denver faculty’s recent publications and presentations.
By Cory Phare
April 18, 2018
Our faculty members publish research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and share their knowledge at conferences across the globe.
Here’s an overview of their recent work:
Philip Bernhardt, associate professor of secondary education
“Access, Equity and Opportunity: Counselors and the Course Placement Process. Middle and High School Counselor Professional Development”
Colorado Public Schools, Cherry Creek
“Thinking About Diversity in the Classroom”
Keynote, Teach USA Symposium, WorldDenver
Maureen Flynn and Jovan Hernandez, assistant professors of psychology
“Cognitive fusion among Hispanic college students: Further validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire”
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 7, 29-34
Rebecca Gorman O’Neill, professor of English ad interim department chair
Stage productions
“The Way Station” and “South Star”
And Toto Too Theatre Company, Denver
“Mynx & Savage”
Vortex Theatre, Albuquerque
Devi Kalla, associate professor of mechanical engineering technology
“Functionally Graded Materials Obtained by Additive Manufacturing Technology”
International Conference on 3D Printing Technology and Innovations, London
Cynthia Kuhn, professor of English
“The Door is Still Open: Academic and Bookstore Mysteries”
Left Coast Crime Conference, Reno, Nevada
“Lefty Award Nominees: Best Humorous Mystery”
Left Coast Crime Conference, Reno, Nevada
Edgar Maldonado and Vicky Seeheusen, faculty in computer information systems
“Making Your Degree Your Business: Using Individualized Degree Programs as a Curriculum Tool”
Business Education Innovation Journal, Vol. 10, 1
Douglas Mpondi, associate professor and chair of Africana Studies
“Military-assisted Transition in Zimbabwe: New Era or Consolidation of Power?”
42nd Annual National Conference for Black Studies, Atlanta
Sean Petranovich, affiliate faculty of philosophy
“Trust and Betrayal From a Husserlian Standpoint”
International Journal of Philosophical Studies (2018)
“Husserlian Mereology and Intimate Community Membership”
Journal of Speculative Philosophy (2018)
“Husserl on Parts, Wholes and Community Membership”
American Philosophy Association Eastern Division Meeting, Main Program, Savannah, Georgia
Lisa Suter, assistant professor of English
“‘Is There Any Point at Which You Ain’t Understand What It Is I'm Sayin’?’: Fostering Appreciation for American Dialectal Difference in the Writing Classroom”
2018 Student Success in Writing Conference, Savannah, Georgia
Michael Wray, professor of hospitality
“Effects of cooperative learning on Chinese students performing a formal table setting for American style service”
Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Vol. 21, Issue 3 (2018)
“The state of active learning in the hospitality classroom”
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, Vol. 30, Issue 2 (2018)
Have feedback or want to contribute to the next Faculty Citings? Just email earlybirdeditor@msudenver.edu.