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Faculty Citings

An overview of MSU Denver faculty’s recent publications and presentations

By Cory Phare

March 28, 2018

Faculty CitingsOur faculty members publish research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and share their knowledge at conferences across the globe.

Here’s an overview of their recent work:

Philip Bernhardt, associate professor of secondary education
“Leveraging Programmatic Change: Collaboration, Innovation and High-Impact Practices in Math and Science Teacher Preparation”
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference, Baltimore

“Access and Equity: Why the Academic Course Placement Process Matters”
ACT Colorado College and Career Readiness Conference: Paving Pathways for Colorado Students, Denver

“Navigating a Life of Theory: An Autobiography of Privilege, Place and Teaching”
The Qualitative Report, 23(2)

William Carnes and David Thornton, faculty of management
“Social Media and Law Enforcement: Strategies for Managers and Community Relations”
Intellectbase International Consortium, San Antonio

Bethany Fleck Dillen, associate professor of psychology
Book chapter
“A Survey of Effective Blogging Practices”
The Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning, p. 284
Society for the Teaching of Psychology

Kishore Kulkarni, professor of economics
Journal article
The Challenges of Global Population Growth: Theories, Policies and the Case of Egypt
ANVESHAK – International Journal of Management

Douglas Mpondi, associate professor and chair of Africana Studies
Journal Article
“‘Opening Up Spaces’: The Politics of Black Economic Empowerment and Indigenization in the Telecommunications Industry in Post-Independence Zimbabwe”
Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies

Edgar Maldonado, assistant professor of computer information systems
Journal articles
“Data Mining Student Choices: A New Approach to Business Curriculum Planning” 
Journal of Education for Business

“Didn’t Roger That: Social Media Messages Complexity and Situational Awareness of Emergency Responders”
International Journal of Information Management

James Reid, associate professor of philosophy
Martin Heidegger, “The Question Concerning the Thing: On Kant’s Doctrine of the Transcendental Principles”

Vicky Seehusen, faculty of computer information systems
Journal article
“Data Mining Student Choices: A New Approach to Business Curriculum Planning”
Journal of Education for Business

Corey Sell, assistant professor of elementary education
“Redesigning Clinical Practices: Our Insights From Building and Implementing an Elementary Undergraduate Residency Model”
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education annual conference, Baltimore

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