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ITS launches new website.

February 28, 2018

ITS website homepageInformation Technology Services recently updated its website to make it easier for users to find technology-related information.

Designed to provide various ways to get information, the site has several new features including:

  • A ‘Service Catalog’ section linked to the main categories of ITS service offerings. Each category button links to an index page, listing all of the related services. Simply select the service you are interested in to view an informational page describing the service, how to access it and how to get help with it.
  • Links to ‘ITS for Students’ and ‘ITS for Faculty and Staff’ webpages centralize the services most often requested by students or faculty and staff.
  • A ‘Helpdesk Central’ section linked directly to knowledge articles and technical support resources.
    ITS hopes the new site puts technology resources within easy reach of the MSU Denver community.

The URL for the new site is the same as our previous site:

Please feel free to provide feedback about the new website via the feedback form located on the bottom of each page on the new site.


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