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Faculty Citings

An overview of recent MSU Denver faculty publications and presentations.

By Nathan Solheim

February 21, 2018

Rebecca Canges. Photo: Jessica TavesMSU Denver faculty publish their research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and present at conferences across the globe.

Here’s an overview of their recent work:

Lynann "Annie" Butler, associate professor, human services
“Walking with Tigers; One Refugee’s Incredible Story of Survival”

Rebecca Canges, assistant professor, education
Journal article
“Review of Single Subject Research Examining the Effectiveness of Interventions for At Risk English Learners”
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice

“Voices from the Classroom: Examining the Perceptions of General Education Teachers and their Preparation for Working with Students with Disabilities”
Council for Exceptional Children, Tampa, Fla.

Amy Eckert, professor, political science
“The Meaning of War: Ancient and Medieval Times”
International Society for Military Ethics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
Author and presenter

Roger Green, lecturer, English
Blog article
"Treating the Dead Sea Scrolls 'Scientifically' Betrays the Imperial Impulse in Secularism"
Political Theology Today

Mark Koester, associate professor, mathematics and computer sciences
“7 Ate 9”
Kindergarten class at Meiklejohn Elementary School in Arvada

“Generating Pythagorean Triples through a Gnomonic Exploration”
Rocky Mountain Math Teacher’s Circle, Denver

Michael McNeal, affiliate professor, political science
"U.S. Approaches to the Arab Uprisings: International Relations and Democracy Promotion"

Lisa Ortiz, professor, journalism and technical communication
“Scaffolding Media Literacy Skills with Personal Digital Storytelling”
16th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii
Author and presenter

Robert Preuhs, associate professor, political science
Book chapter
"The Election of Federico Peña of Denver: The Challenge of Succession"
Latino Mayors: Political Change in the Postindustrial City

Corey Sell, assistant professor, elementary education
Journal article
“We Came to Colorado: Third Graders Inquire into the Past to Honor their Present”
Social Studies & the Young Learner

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