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The 35th Annual Black World Conference is Feb. 20-21

Keynote speaker will be activist and author Mary Frances Berry.

By Nathan Solheim

February 19, 2018

Mary Frances Berry. Photo: John Abbott
Mary Frances Berry. Photo: John Abbott

The 35th Annual Black World Conference will feature a nationally prominent author, panels and scholarship presentations Feb. 20-21.

The conference, which is free and open to all members of the MSU Denver community, will bring together local and national scholars and performers under the theme, “Knowledge is Power: Preservation and Celebration of African American History and Culture.”

Mary Frances Berry, a constitutional historian and social justice activist who served as the chancellor of the University of Colorado system and on the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, is the keynote speaker. Berry, who is currently the Segal Professor of American Social Thought at the University of Pennsylvania, and will sign books after her presentation. To date, Berry has authored 12 books.

For a schedule of events, please visit:

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