Keeping up with the Councils
Check out our regular updates on MSU Denver’s Advisory Councils.
By Nathan Solheim
February 19, 2018
With six Advisory Councils working hard to make recommendations to President Janine Davidson, there’s plenty of news to report.
That’s why the Early Bird is launching “Keeping up with the Councils,” a regular feature where employees can catch up on each council’s work.
Look for it on Mondays in the Early Bird.
Here are this week’s updates:
- The Employee Engagement Subcommittee of the Culture and Workplace Council is trying to round up a list of all current and proposed opportunities for engagement including any groups, organizations, initiatives or events for the purpose of building ongoing relationships and community. To contribute to the list, please fill out this form by Feb. 20.
If you’d like to submit an update for “Keeping up with the Councils,” please email earlybirdeditor@msudenver.edu.