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Meet the provost

Lunch with the Provost program is open to all faculty.

January 30, 2018

Provost Vicki Golich

In case you missed it: MSU Denver Provost Vicki Golich emailed faculty about the upcoming Lunch with the Provost program Jan. 16. 

Dear Faculty,

Welcome back to campus for spring 2018! I would like to continue "getting to know you" in an informal setting, without an agenda, through a "Faculty Lunch with the Provost" program. I look forward to learning the many wonderful things that you're doing inside and beyond the classroom, and to sharing ideas about a variety of worthy projects and programs we may wish to initiate or sustain on campus.

We'll meet in the Student Success Building Suite 330A at 11:30 a.m. or noon and wrap-up sometime around 1 or 1:30 p.m., depending upon participants' schedules and afternoon commitments. So that we all have a chance to talk, let's limit the number of faculty to eight (8). Similarly, since one of the reasons for these lunches is to provide an opportunity for us to get to know others outside of our discipline, we'll limit the number of faculty from any one department to two (2).

If you have already attended a luncheon in the past, please give other faculty a chance to sign up on the website and contact Ann Sanders,, to be an alternate guest if there is a cancellation. This year a wait list is available for each luncheon.

The remaining dates for these lunches this semester are:

  • Monday, Feb. 12 – 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. SSB 330A
  • Thursday, March 29 - noon-1:30 p.m. SSB 330A
  • Tuesday, April 24 – noon-1:30 p.m. SSB 330A

Please register online:

I very much look forward to meeting you and talking with you.

All the best,

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