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Faculty Citings

An overview of recent MSU Denver faculty publications and presentations.

By Nathan Solheim

January 23, 2018

Faculty CitingsMSU Denver faculty publish their research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and present at conferences across the globe.

Here’s an overview of their recent work:

Allison Cotton, professor, criminal justice and criminology
Fifth Edition, March 2018 release
“Class, Race, Gender, and Crime The Social Realities of Justice in America”

Eric James, professor, speech communication
Peer reviewed journal article
“Resistance Training: (Re)shaping Extreme Forms of Workplace Health Promotion”
Management Communication Quarterly

Elizabeth Kleinfeld, professor, English
Second Edition, November 2017 release
“The Bedford Book of Genres”

Jackson Lamb, professor, hospitality, tourism and events
Case study
“Cannabis legalization and its impact on hotel operations” (page 81)
The Journal for Hospitality and Tourism Case Studies

Chad Mortensen, professor, psychology
Journal articles
“Trending Norms: A Lever for Encouraging Behaviors Performed by the Minority”
Social Psychological and Personality Science

“Infectious Disease and Imperfections of Self-Image”
Psychological Science

Shawn Meek, assistant professor, communication design
Online journal
“Boyan Slat: UX/UI Design”
Graphic Design USA 2017 American Web Design Awards

Nhu Nguyen, associate professor, Sue Barnd, professor, secondary education
“University Collaborations in Teacher Preparation with P-12 Schools”
2018 National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Conference, Phoenix

Robert Preuhs, professor, political science
Journal article
“Are these friends also “friends of the court?”: examining minority legal advocacy organization coalitions in amicus brief filings”
Politics, Groups, and Identities

Michael Wray, professor, hospitality, tourism and events
Journal article
“Effects of cooperative learning on Chinese students performing a formal table setting for American style service”
Journal of Foodservice Business Research

Here at the Early Bird, we love doing the Faculty Citings. If you have any feedback about how to make this a better regular feature, please email

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