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Need to find a phone number?

With most of the telephony initiative complete, ITS provides guidance on getting digits.

January 22, 2018

ITS will begin distributing new phones and phone numbers at MSU Denver soon. The ITS Telephony Implementation Team has completed all waves of the Telephony Initiative and successfully deployed new telephones and phone numbers to all MSU Denver departments and employees. The deployment phase of this initiative began in July and was completed in early December.

Twenty-one MSU Denver campus buildings, 111 departments, 2,000 physical phones and 2,483 employees were migrated to the new telephone system.

Now that all MSU Denver departments and employees have new numbers, there are two methods to find contact information.

MSU Denver A-Z Directory

  1. Go to the Faculty & Staff Hub.
  2. Click on the A-Z Directory link under Employee Systems, Services & Reporting.
  3. For a faculty or staff phone number, click on the Faculty and Staff Search link located on the left side of the MSU Denver A-Z screen and search by the person’s last name and first name.
  4. For a main departmental phone number, click on the Offices & Services A to Z’ link located on the left side of the screen.

MSU Denver Webpage Search Function

  1. Click the ‘SEARCH’ button located near the top any of the MSU Denver webpage.
  2. Type the person’s first and last name in the search bar.
  3. Links to information about that person will be listed. The first link in the list should be that person’s Directory Profile in the MSU Denver A-Z Directory.

The next phase of the initiative will include deploying telephones to classrooms and conference rooms as well as providing training on how the use new phones.

Core initiative team members include Jesse Berry, Bruce Krueger, Conn Rogers, Mike Hart, Dave Schuette, Jesse Nguyen, Pom Chan and Quyen Tran.

More helpful information about new phones can be found at In addition, departmental administrative support staff may be able to answer questions. Contact the ITS Helpdesk at 303-352-7548 or for any additional help.


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