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If you happened to receive "unsubscribe" emails this week

ITS offers guidance on unsubscribing from MSU Denver email lists.

November 30, 2017

computersIf you received several messages on Tuesday about unsubscribing to the ‘athletics-discussion’ email list, you’re not alone.

Many MSU Denver faculty and staff members received the same emails, which were the result of several people replying to the original email rather than unsubscribing from the email list.
You can request to be unsubscribed from numerous MSU Denver email lists, if you don’t want to receive any additional emails about that topic.

For those lists, you will see unsubscribe instructions at the end of any emails you’ve received. Simply send a request to the unsubscribe email address that’s included in the instructions (e.g. unsubscribe-[name of list] and remember to include ‘unsubscribe’ as the Subject of the email you send.
For detailed information about each email list, please see the Description of All Lyris Email Lists. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the ITS Helpdesk at 303-352-7548 or

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