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Faculty Senate update

Highlights from the Nov. 1 Faculty Senate meeting

November 6, 2017

Faculty SenateThe Nov. 1 Faculty Senate meeting kicked off with several guests: Amanda Berry and benefits representatives reminded attendees that Open Enrollment continues through Nov. 17; Tiffani Baldwin, transfer student success coordinator highlighted the Think 30 campaign, which encourages students to complete 30 credit hours annually to graduate within four years; and Michael Kolb and Liz Goodnik gave an overview of the successful efforts of the Center for Faculty Excellence. The center saw a year-over-year audience increase of 83% despite a 19% budget decrease, along with benefits from a portfolio review redesign, orientation improvements and increased individual consultations.

Matt Makley, Faculty Senate president and history faculty member then welcomed Alex Komodore (Music), Susan Schelble (Chemistry) and Eileen Starr (Social Work) as new at-large senators.  Makley then updated attendees on the University’s prioritization meetings and advisory councils in regards to shared governance processes.

He also encouraged attendees to extend empathy and understanding for others who may feel under pressure to meet deadlines.

“When people are under stress, they can behave in different ways,” Makley said. “It’s important to support our fellow colleagues and cut rumors off at the pass.”

In other business:

  • The academic policy committee clarified language to indicate the wait-list process varies widely by department, along with
  • Jo Bailey and Jeff Parker updated the senate about working with the Access Center to develop a holistic compliance plan to assist students with visual disabilities.
  • The curriculum committee provided updates on five proposals (two programs and three course modifications).

The next Faculty Senate meeting will take place Nov. 15 at 3:20 p.m. in Tivoli 320.

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