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Calling all innovative thinkers: You’re invited to TLTS and PitchLX!

At the 2017 PitchLX/TLTS symposium, you can network, create and collaborate with great minds from all over the state.

By Kristen Lotze

September 20, 2017

Young boy on skateboardHave you ever thought there should be a “Shark Tank” for educators? Do you have a great idea to improve teaching through technology that should be funded and put into action? Or are you just looking for more opportunities to make local professional connections?

Then Prospective Innovations in Teaching and Learning Xperiences and the Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium (PitchLX/TLTS) are the events for you. Half networking and half solution design, these separate but related events offer something for anyone looking to bring their big ideas to the mainstream.

Because of its popularity at last year’s TLTS, PitchLX branched out to become a separate event in 2017. Taking place Oct. 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at 1245 Champa St., PitchLX offers higher-education professionals (faculty, staff, administrators, etc.), the chance to compete in a live “pitch-off” of their ideas.

Select participants deliver three-minute pitches for existing or theorized innovative ideas that have the potential to significantly shape the future of teaching and learning with technology. Following each pitch, a panel of expert judges will conduct a live Q&A/critique and award points based on feasibility, creativity, pedagogical value and overall delivery. Prizes are awarded, so innovative thinking and preparation are highly encouraged.

The sixth annual TLTS takes place Oct. 13 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Tivoli Turnhalle. The event is a collaborative venue for higher-education professionals to critically learn, discuss and create. The aim is to cultivate a regional network focused on creativity, equity, leadership and the creation of artifacts that inspire, and positively shape, the future intersection of teaching, learning and technology.

This year’s TLTS will be different from previous events, with a new, interactive, cohort-based symposium model. Instead of a traditional session and track-based event that is passive in nature, TLTS 2017 will challenge attendees to think critically, work collaboratively and take an active role in shaping the event. Attendees will work together to “Discover, Frame, Imagine, Prototype, Engage and Reflect” on unique solution designs focused through the lens of one of three interest groups: Creativity & Design, Equity & Social Justice, or Leadership & Vision (interest indicated during registration).

Matt Griswold, MSU Denver director of online programs, says of the symposium: “Most conferences provide valuable information through presentations and materials but are primarily passive experiences. TLTS will be created by attendees. They’ll devote their collective energy to group-selected topics of interest and urgency in postsecondary education.”

Michael Erskine, previous attendee and assistant professor of Computer Information Systems at Middle Tennessee State University, adds: “For over 20 years, MSU Denver has been a leader in online course delivery, and TLTS provides an opportunity for faculty from the entire Colorado region to learn from shared experiences to redefine and enhance what was once considered an inferior learning modality.”

Dr. Remi Kalir will be the keynote speaker for TLTS.

Both events are free, but registration is required by Sept. 22.

Click here to register for TLTS. Make sure to indicate which interest group you’d like to be included in when filling out the registration form.

Click here to RSVP for the PitchLX event.

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