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5 things you can do at Brand Central

Brand Central is a “one-stop shop” for all your University branding needs.

By Kristen Lotze

August 29, 2017

Brand Central website on a computer.Metropolitan State University of Denver’s brand defines the University’s place in the higher-education marketplace. It says and shows who we are and what we do. The objective is not to make every publication look the same but rather to give each piece consistent elements that say we’re a part of the MSU Denver “family.”

To help keep everything cohesive, Brand Central was created to provide necessary branding information. Here are the five of the most common uses:

Download logo files
MSU Denver is graphically represented by a set of visual brands: a formal logo, an informal/athletics logo and our institutional seal. Because visual brands often are the first impression we make on key audiences, it is paramount that we adhere to brand standards.

Brand Central offers a link where you can download the basic MSU Denver logos under the Logos tab, but for other logos, the best option is to submit a logo request form. This will ensure that you receive an accurately branded logo that is best suited to your particular needs.

Order stationery and business cards
With your letterhead or business card, you have one chance to make a great first impression. Make sure the information on these items is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. On Brand Central, you can order your stationery and business cards in one convenient place.

With many new faculty members starting and the Auraria campus phone numbers all changing, you’ll want to bookmark this feature.

Learn brand standards
When it comes to branding, it’s all about knowing the guidelines: brand colors, what typeface to use, etc. To that end, the editorial standards for the MSU Denver brand are laid out on Brand Central. Whenever you have questions about incorporating the University’s name into a publication, you can use these standards as a reference point.

Order promotional items
Not sure how to order the promotional materials? Brand Central has an answer for that too. Promotional items — including pens, water bottles and other imprinted merchandise — must be ordered exclusively from Tivoli Station or from three vendors with University purchasing agreements. Clothing and signage (including banners, table drapes, awards and/or plaques) are not considered promotional items, and you may purchase these items from the vendor of your choice following the normal procurement process. All items imprinted with the University logo (formal or informal) require advance review and approval by Marketing and Communications. Click to order your promotional items or for more information about contacting the promotional product vendors.

Submit a creative brief
While it might sound like some kind of short art film, the Creative Brief tab is your “go-to” for requesting design services. Once you access the link, just fill out and submit the form, and the branding team will do the rest.

Sometimes, branding questions will go beyond the help that Brand Central can offer; when that happens, email Marketing and Communications Brand Manager Ruth M’Gonigle.

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