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Hello, my name is: Cynthia Krentz

Meet new faculty member Cynthia Krentz, who will be joining the MSU Denver family this fall.

By Kristen Lotze

August 23, 2017

New MSU Denver new faculty member Cynthia Krentz has run 19 marathons and doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Photo  by Alyson McClaran
New MSU Denver new faculty member Cynthia Krentz has run 19 marathons and doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Photo by Alyson McClaran

Joining the faculty this fall, nursing professor Cynthia Krentz discusses her love of teaching, how she got into nursing and how much she’s looking forward to her new journey alongside the MSU Denver community.

What do you teach?
Nursing Research and Senior Experience.

Where are you from originally?
Chicago, then Austin for 25 years, then I came to Denver 3½ years ago.

What is your favorite class to teach?
Hopefully, it will be a tie between Nursing Research and Senior Experience – I just love teaching nursing students.

Describe your teaching style.
Pretty laid back, but the student has to do the work. I’m approachable and want my students to feel that no question is too dumb to ask; I like a dialogue between students and me – active learning is key.

What are you most looking forward to about starting your new position?
Getting to know people. Learning, while also teaching colleagues and students alike.

What initially attracted you to nursing?
I was pregnant with twins, and the doctor didn’t know it until two weeks before I had them, at seven weeks early. They were premature, and during my twins’ stay in the NICU I realized how important nurses are and that I wanted to help and teach others too.

If you could do/teach anything else, what would it be and why?
Well, I would love to be an Olympic marathoner. Because I run very slow, if I was in the Olympics it would necessitate me being a fast runner. Or else I would love to teach cooking classes because that would mean I would be a good cook, which I’m not.

What is something people might not know about you?
I’ve done 19 marathons, and I want to keep doing them as long as I can.

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