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6 things the Registrar can do for you

As fall semester approaches, here are some things to make your job easier.

By Nathan Solheim

August 10, 2017

The MSU Denver Registrar
The MSU Denver Registrar's Office staff. Photo: Aly McClaran

Staffers in the Registrar’s Office would like you to know they can help — and it just might save a bit of time, money and effort as the fall semester approaches.

Here’s the list:

  1. The Registrar’s Office can help you understand FERPA better by offering training sessions on the federal privacy law that covers education records.
  2. The office also can help you navigate the University’s registration policies. Think about it — helping students register for classes helps them start the semester right and stay on track to graduate.
  3. The Registrar’s Office handles workflow for grade changes and petitions for degree exceptions. Have questions or need training? They can help!
  4. If you’re an academic adviser, the Registrar’s Office can help clarify degree requirements or exception questions.
  5. The Registrar’s Office now houses the Transcript Evaluation Team and can address questions regarding official transcript evaluation, process course equivalency forms and handle IB, CLEP AP credit and more.
  6. The Registrar’s Office website has great resources: updated forms, quick guides on how to register/drop/waitlist/resolve holds, an updated directory and much more.
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