Dialed in
ITS finishes installing the first wave of new phones.
By Diane Watkins
July 19, 2017
After successfully deploying the new telephone system to ITS and the departments moving into the new AES building (Wave 0), the ITS Telephony Implementation Team will begin deployment efforts in the Central Classroom, West Classroom, Plaza and Arts buildings (Wave 1).
The administrative support staff in each of these buildings will be contacted in the coming weeks to ensure that the telephone deployment in their respective departments goes as smoothly as possible.
If you are an administrative support staff member in one of these buildings and have not been contacted by ITS yet, please contact the Telephony Team at telephonyteam@msudenver.edu, and we will make sure someone reaches out to you.
To find out what you need to do before receiving your new telephone, please watch the entertaining and informative “What's Needed From You?” video. It provides helpful information about preparing your workspace before the telephone deployment in your department.
For general information about this project, please visit the Telecommunications Initiative webpage. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 303-352-7548 or support.msudenver.edu.