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Check out this year’s Council of Administrators

Find out who will serve, and how to get free lemonade

By Nathan Solheim

July 18, 2017

Evan Bowles will serve as president of the Council of Administrators.
Evan Bowles will serve as president of the Council of Administrators.

This year’s Council of Administrators will bring together a group from all parts of the University.

At its first meeting, the council will serve lemonade, iced tea and “tubes of slushy-flavored ice” to attendees. Administrators should have received an email from the COA that contains an invite, or they can attend the meeting July 20 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Student Success Building, Room 111.

Here’s the 2017-18 COA:

President: Evan Bowles
Vice president: Christine Gallager
Secretary/treasurer: Margaret Thulson
Past-year president: Amy Bechtum

Representatives at large, term ending 2018:
Maggie Schaeffer
Gretta Mincer
Megan Jones

Representatives at large, term ending 2019:
Bedri Gunc
Sarah Hunsinger
Lauren Sullivan

For more information about the COA, please visit

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