Administrative Policymaking Policy update
At its May 5 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved revisions to the University's Administrative Policymaking Policy.
May 17, 2017
The Administrative Policymaking Policy defines the criteria, roles and principles guiding a consistent, transparent and inclusive process for developing University-wide, operational policies. You can read the policy on the University Policy website.
Increasing the University’s flexibility to respond to operational needs is another goal of the revision. The revised policy delegates authority from the board to the president to approve University-level operational policies, while retaining the board's authority to approve University governance policies. The Provost’s Office and Faculty Senate are also collaborating on an Academic Policymaking Policy to be presented to the board for approval in the fall.
If you have questions on the University’s policy development process, please contact Megan Jones, policy administrator, Team DELTA, 303-556-5394. Email: