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Significant contributions

The Outstanding Women’s Awards ceremony celebrated the campus-wide contribution of Roadrunners for gender equity.

By Cory Phare

May 1, 2017

IWSS logoThe Outstanding Women’s Awards ceremony took place on Tuesday, April 25, in St. Cajetan’s Event Center.

The awards event celebrates women at the university who have enhanced our campus community with their significant contributions, including individuals who identify as trans* and gender queer, according to Arlene Sgoutas, associate professor and director of the Institute for Women’s Studies and Services.

This year marked the 30th anniversary of the Pamela McIntyre-Marcum Memorial Scholarship. McIntyre-Marcum’s family had a table dedicated to them to honor the legacy of the late MSU Denver marketing professor who was a victim of domestic violence.

Award winners included:

Faculty: Carol Quinn
Student: Sandy Hosey
Classified: Liz Gettings (accepted by her wife, Pat Yarrow)
Administrators: Ally Garcia (accepted by her mother) and Renee Fajardo
Alumna: Brydie Harris

Various scholarships were also presented to MSU Denver students. The Institute for Women's Studies and Services does not participate in the selection process; winners are selected solely by a committee comprised of the previous year’s award winners.

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