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A look inside the President’s Cabinet

Why you might see fewer surveys in your email and the latest on signature events in the Feb. 20 meeting recap.

By Dan Vaccaro

February 21, 2017

Couldn’t make it to the Feb. 20 President’s Cabinet meeting? The Early Bird has you covered.

Below are the highlights. Be sure to look for additional stories on related topics in the Early Bird in the coming weeks.

Survey says … we need to be more efficient in sending out surveys

An MSU Denver working group asked Team DELTA to analyze the number of surveys sent to the University community, research best practices at other institutions and make recommendations to create a more efficient and integrated survey process.

The team’s recommendations, presented by director Leone Schultz, included having the business intelligence unit of her operation manage the survey process. This would include developing a set of guidelines for the University and offering consulting services to any group looking to create and send a survey. The team would also develop a website with a survey calendar and other pertinent resources.

The cabinet recommended that Team DELTA move forward with its work and begin creating these resources.

And other updates

  • The 2015 MSU Denver Ombuds Office Annual Report is now posted on our website. The 2016 report will be released in late March.
  • The Spring Update is on March 8 and the format will be a little different this year. Dr. Jordan will give a brief overview and then answer questions. To submit a question ahead of time, email Tiffany Snell at or bring your questions with you.
  • The Budget Task Force held its first substantial meeting of the spring semester and identified $2.9 million of mandatory cost increases, which the University will fund on July 1. An additional $4 million in prioritized requests are dependent on tuition for funding.
  • Student elections will take place the first week of April. Encourage your students to get active and run for office!
  • The Noel Professorship, one of the University’s signature events, is happening March 26-27.
  • The Campus Climate Survey will hit your inbox on Feb. 27. Let the University know what it’s doing right and what we could be doing better.
  • The Higher Learning Commission reaccreditation process is entering the home stretch. The finalized assurance argument will be submitted at the end of February, and the site visit is scheduled for April 10-11. There’s still time to provide feedback, too.
  • Working with Admissions, ITS soft-launched a new tool called Transfer and Equivalency Self- Service, which aims to make the transfer process easier for incoming students.
  • Preview Day for the College of Professional Studies is this Friday and the response has been outstanding. So far, 120 prospective students and their guests have signed up.

The full minutes from the Feb. 20 meeting will be available online this Friday. The next gathering of President’s Cabinet will take place on March 6 from 9-11:30 a.m. in SSB 400.

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