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MSU Denver leadership supports AASCU statement on immigration order

American Association of State Colleges and Universities urges administration to reconsider its recent action on immigration.

February 1, 2017

The senior leadership of MSU Denver and its deans affirm their unqualified support of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ Jan. 29 statement, and we join in respectfully urging the administration to reconsider its executive order on immigration. 


The United States has long benefitted from scientific, cultural and economic contributions of international students and scholars. America's state colleges and universities have been strengthened by the presence of students and faculty from around the globe, including those from the seven countries specifically targeted by the president's executive order. We share in the collective commitment to protect our national security while at the same time enriching our nation with invaluable contributions from abroad. Accordingly, we respectfully urge the administration to reconsider its recent action.

An image of the AASCU logo

MSU Denver Senior Leadership Team

Stephen M. Jordan, president
Myron Anderson, associate to the president for diversity
John Burtness, president and CEO of MSU Denver Foundation; vice president of University Advancement
Vicki Golich, provost and vice president for Academic and Student Affairs
G. Anthony Grant, director of Athletics
Steve Kreidler, vice president for Administration and Finance
Catherine B. Lucas, chief of staff, chief communications officer
Loretta P. Martinez, general counsel and secretary to the board
Percy A. Morehouse Jr., executive director of Equal Opportunity, assistant to the president
Esther Rodriguez, special assistant to the president

MSU Denver Deans

Joan Laura Foster, dean, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Elizabeth R. Hinde, dean, School of Education
Ann Murphy, dean, College of Business
Kathy Heyl, interim dean, College of Professional Studies


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