Off the chart
Applications and admissions are accelerating.
November 30, 2016
MSU Denver’s Office of Admissions has formed a partnership with Royall and Company, which has been conducting application marketing campaigns on behalf of the University the past several months. Keep in mind we have a long way to go before registration even begins for fall classes, but the numbers are off the chart right now.
- Applications for fall 2017 are up 257 percent or 3,681 compared to this time last year
- Applications from Hispanic students for fall 2017 are up 323 percent or 1,881 compared to this time last year
- Admits for fall 2017 are up 245 percent or 1,285
- Hispanic admits are up 282 percent or 615
- From September through November of last year, we received a total of 2,091 transcripts and other documents; from September through November 16 this year, we already have received 2,707, which is an increase of 29 percent, and the month is not over