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For your benefit

Mandatory Open Enrollment deadline approaching; all MSU Denver employees must participate in Open Enrollment by Nov. 18, this Friday.

November 15, 2016

stethoscopeMSU Denver’s Open Enrollment – the one time of year that employees can make changes to their health, vision, dental and flexible spending accounts – runs until Friday, Nov. 18.

This year every administrative employee and faculty member is required to participate in a positive mandatory enrollment. Classified staff will have an open enrollment period in March/April 2017.

The Colorado Higher Education Insurance Benefits Alliance Trust, approved no increase in medical or vision premiums for the 2017 plan year. In addition, the Board of Trustees approved an increase in the premium split to 70/30. There are slight changes to the medical plans. There is a minor – $2 to $4 – increase in the dental premium, but also significant plan enhancements. You will also have the ability to enroll in a vision plan and the opportunity to enroll in flexible spending for the 2017 plan year.

Contact the HR benefit team to obtain a copy of your benefits statement to make changes or approve by Nov. 18. For more information, call 303-556-3120.

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